Birkenhead United thank four new Life Members ‘for tireless and ongoing work’

posted in: News, Recognition

Four long-serving members of Birkenhead United have been inducted as Life Members at the club’s 2022 annual general meeting.

Barry Simmons, Steve Chad, Barry Graham and Ben McQuay were welcomed as Life Members at the AGM.

Confirming their recognition, the club said: “Thank you for your tireless and ongoing work for the club.”

Chad, Graham and Simmons are also members of Birkenhead’s group of players who made more than 100 first-team appearances for the club.

Birkenhead United president David Williams made the presentations to Chad, Graham and McQuay who were at the AGM. Simmons was not at the meeting.

Ben McQuay (right) with president David Williams.
Steve Chad (right) with vice president Ross Frisby.
Barry Graham (right) with president David Wiliams.

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