Friends of Football is an independent group of people with a common interest in sharing their love of the ‘beautiful game’ and its rich and proud history as the globe’s most popular team sport.
We’re passionate about protecting and promoting the positive aspects of the game to others — young and old — and the benefits it provides to the wider community.
Our organisation (we’re an incorporated society) was founded in 2013 by former All White Brian Turner.
Since then, we’ve been active, primarily in Auckland where most of our members are based, promoting and supporting football-related events.
In time, we hope to build membership in other parts of New Zealand.
Our Vision
We’ll create opportunities for people to share their love of football without boundaries of age, colour/ethnicity, gender or status.
Our Mission
To promote the positive aspects of football as widely as possible, particularly among young people.
To foster fellowship and a love for the game among friends spanning all spheres of football — playing, administering, officiating or supporting — from the cradle to the grave.
Our Goals/Objectives
Help the game: To harness knowledge and information about football through the skills and experience of our members for the benefit of the game in New Zealand.
Heritage: To protect the heritage of the game in New Zealand.
Recognition: To recognise and acknowledge publicly those who have made a significant contribution to football in New Zealand.
Friendship: To foster friendship and collegiality through social and business networking opportunities between members and others.
Support: To get behind football in New Zealand, and to lend a helping hand to those who need our help.
How to join us
Membership of Friends of Football is open to anyone who supports our group’s goals and objectives.
We have a $40 joining fee which entitles you to perpetual membership unless you die, resign, are declared bankrupt, are convicted of a serious crime or bring the game of football into disrepute.
To join, email our secretary at, with brief details, including name, address and preferred email and phone contacts.
You can pay by direct deposit (online or at any bank) to the Friends of Football bank account at the BNZ Dominion Rd branch: Account details: 02 0144 0285148 02 (please give your surname and initials as reference).