Western Springs are looking for qualified coaches to be part of a new era at the club.
“We are excited about what the future holds with some changes happening in the pre-academy (9-12) and academy (13-17) space,” the club says via its website.
Pre-academy coaching positions (ages 9-12, mixed and girls)
- Junior level 3 qualified
- Understanding of junior football development
- Believes in the teaching methods of constraint-led games, teaching games for understanding
- Competent with IT, Google, excel
- Work as part of a forward-thinking team
Academy coaching positions (ages 13-17, mixed and girls)
- C Licence qualified as a minimum
- Understanding of youth football development
Believes in the teaching methods of constraint-led games, teaching games for understanding
Competent with IT, Google, excel
Work as part of a forward-thinking team
How to apply
Send a cover letter and CV to homf@wsafc.org.nz for mixed positions, and howf@wsafc.org.nz for girls’ positions.
Applications close on October 23, 2023.
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