WaiBOP Football have added two members to their team, with the appointments of Veronica Lenihan and Rachel Lilburn.
Lenihan joined WaiBOP in June 2023 to support the delivery of NZ Football’s legacy plan, Aotearoa United: Legacy Starts Now.
She has now moved to a permanent part-time role, continuing to support the delivery of the legacy plan as well as key projects for WaiBOP Football.
Based in Hamilton, Lenihan brings extensive administration, project management, and digital content expertise, with previous experience in the real estate sector and retail management.
Lilburn joins the marketing and communications team, growing the federation’s capacity to tell the stories of what’s happening in the football and futsal communities of the region.
She brings a background of website development, graphic design and writing.
Based in Taupō, she’s also in a permanent part-time role. She is active as a junior football volunteer, and writes for website Friends of Football.