Oratia United recognise two outstanding volunteers with special awards

posted in: News, Recognition

West Auckland’s Oratia United have recognised the contributions of two outstanding volunteers by awarding them Honorary Membership.

Club captain Russel Langsdale and multi-role administrator Jo Quintal were thanked by their club colleagues at Oratia’s recent Annual General Meeting.

Russel Langsdale: ‘One of the first to put his hand up to help’

In the citation for Langsdale’s award, the club said:

“Russel has been a member of Oratia United for the past 18 years. His passion for the game is quite clear to see. Not only has he contributed significantly on the field as a player but now his playing days are over he also contributes to the club continuously off the field.

“Before becoming the Club Captain of Oratia United, Russ has and still is always there to set up the field for 1st team / Development team home games, no matter the weather outside. And (he) then ensures it is brought down within minutes of the game finishing.

“Further to this, he is one of the first to put his hand up to help out with working bees, and also tends to be first in line to support a club fundraiser.”

Jo Quintal: ‘ … and still she does more’

About Jo Quintal, the club’s citation said:

“2022 will be Jo’s 10th year at Oratia United, having no previous affiliation with the club through playing or kids involvement.

“During that time, Jo has taken on at least 10 different roles, many of them simultaneously, and she has received the Allan Smallman Award twice and the Club Service award three times.

“And still she does more; she has been instrumental in obtaining grant funding for gear, operating costs, furniture and most recently, improvements to the deck and is now coordinating efforts for next year’s 50th Jubilee.”

Friends of Football congratulates Russel and Jo on their achievements.

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