Nine-year-old chosen as first recipient of special trophy in memory of Rangers founder

posted in: News, Recognition

A 9-year-old boy has been named as the first recipient of a prestigious award aimed at recognising those who live the values of the South Auckland Rangers club.

Aydan Prakash’s name will be the first engraved on a trophy named after the club’s founding president, James Watson.

Unveiling the new trophy at the club’s end-of-season prizegiving, the club said:

“James Watson was the very reason for our club and as a tribute to him, we have created the JW Perpetual Trophy which will be awarded to the player who has demonstrated the values of the club through the last 12 months.”

The late James Watson was the driving force behind South Auckland Rangers which was formed from the 1989 merger of Otara Rangers and Clover Park United.

Main photo: Aydan Prakash (centre) … lives the values of South Auckland Rangers.

Aydan Prakash receives the trophy from Rangers president Shiu Singh.

Aydan Prakash was called forward to receive the trophy because he had shown the values of he club, by being reliable (R), authentic (A), non-toxic (N), gracious (G), embrace (E), responsible (R) and successful (S).

“Our winner, is consistently at training, an absolute pleasure to coach, eager to learn, supports his teammates and watching him grow we can see he lives the values consistently week in and week out,” the club said.

For the inaugural presentation of the trophy, candidates from the club’s junior ranks were considered. Next year, selection will extend to the entire club.

Aydan Prakash and fellow Rangers juniors.

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