A specialist in football for overage players is visiting New Zealand to demonstrate the benefits of walking football.
Harry Hubball, a consultant to FIFA and UEFA on overage football, provides a 30-45 minute presentation followed by an on-field demonstration of how walking football can impact people’s lives and well-being.
Main photo: Harry Hubball … presents and demonstrates benefits of walking football. Photo credit: Guernsey Walking Football Club.
Walking football is the United Kingdom’s fastest-growing sport, regularly played by 60,000 in England.
University of British Columbia professor emeritus Hubball has held interactive workshops so far at Auckland’s Waiheke Island and at Capital Football’s offices in Wellington.
Workshop to be held in Christchurch
He’ll run a session for South Islanders at Canterbury’s English Park on Sunday February 25, 2024, from 4pm-6pm.
Admission is free and open to all.